Saturday, February 14, 2015

After a long, long, long, long -- okay, you get it -- long wait, Fan of the Week is back! We are so excited to present this to  you all again, as we miss presenting one every week! So, without further wait, drumroll please......

Life in District 13's FIRST of 2015's FAN OF THE WEEK IS..... @JenLawXO!

This week's fan of the week is @JenLawXo! Congraulations to you!  @JenLawXo was our 300th follower, which makes this fan of the week very special! With a 'QuarterQuell' follow, the person is automatically entered as the Fan of the Week. But, she didn't get fan of the week for that reason only! @JenLawXo's love for The Hunger Games series, Jennifer Lawrence and for our fansite were a thumbs up in winning. She is truly a dedicated fan!

Life in District 13: What is your favorite 'The Hunger Games' Quote?
@JenLawXo: "Fire is catching, and if we burn, you burn with us!

Life in District 13: What is your favorite 'The Hunger Games' Scene?
@JenLawXo: When Jen sings to Rue's death. (Such a sad scene)

Life in District 13: What are you part of the fandom?
@JenLawXo: The books and movies are GREAT and they have such a great message. It's happening in the world right now...

Life in District 13: What do you want to see in Mockingjay - Part 2?
@JenLawXo: I want to see peace again.

Life in District 13: What is your favorite 'The Hunger Games' Book?
@JenLawXo: Hmm that's a hard one, can I say all of them?

To be a fan of the week, you need to let us know you want to be a fan of the week! RT us, favorite our tweets, like us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and keep liking our news! We love your dedication! And be sure to participate in our #TuesdayTriva, #ThursdayTrvia, #FridayFact, #SaturdayStill, #SundaySuprise, #MondayMaking and #WednesdayWinnings!

Good luck!


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