Sunday, January 25, 2015

On the last night of the Quarter Quell, Effie (movie), Plutarch, Katniss, Haymitch, Finnick, the camera crew and Katniss all escaped from the Capitol. The question is now: How about the other characters? We don't know a lot about how everyone left, so we through together some ideas.

1. Plutarch and Haymitch
We assume that Plutarch and Haymitch discussed the plan with the other tributes before hand. In the plan, Plutarch and Haymitch decided to meet up somewhere and escape. After Katniss blew up the arena, they went on with the plan to rescue everyone. 
2. Effie
Effie was not in the hovercraft with Katniss. In fact, she wasn't even in District 13 in the book! We bet she was taken from her home and brought to interrogation. While we can't say she tortured, she probably had some kind of abuse regarding Katniss. In the movie, we can figure that Haymitch and Plutarch went to talk to Effie regarding the situation and told her to leave. They provided transportation and sent her to District 13.
3. Camera Crew
We can assume they left earlier. 
4. Peeta & Johanna
Was captured by the Capitol, was held in some area, President Snow is the first one to talk to Peeta. Same with Johanna, except she got it worse.

What do you think could have happened? Let us know!


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